

Dr. Mustafa Ozyurtkan

Assistant Professor

  • Ph.D. in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, 2020.
  • M.Sc. in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, 2006.
  • M.Sc. in Energy Science and Technology Institute, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, 2006.
  • B.Sc. in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, 2003.

Mustafa Hakan Ozyurtkan, (PhD) received his Bachelor of Science degree in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department from Istanbul Technical University (I.T.U.), Istanbul, Turkey, in 2003. He received two Master of Science degrees in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department and in Energy Science and Technology Institute from I.T.U in 2006, where he became research and teaching assistant in 2005. He started his Ph.D. study in 2006. He got the first prize in Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Turkey Section paper contest in 2010. During his PhD, he was invited to participate as a visiting scholar in a project researching wellbore cement at Louisiana State University (LSU) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA in 2010. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2012 from the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department from I.T.U where he became faculty member in 2014 and worked until 2022 as assistant professor and associate professor. In 2019, He was invited to the Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Department of Sultan Qaboos University, Oman as visiting faculty. He was also giving lectures until 2022 as adjunct professor at Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University, N. Cyprus. He served as associate professor in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department of Cyprus International University until 2024. He is currently working as a faculty member as Assistant Professor in Petroleum Engineering Technology Department of Institute of Applied Technology.

His focused areas include drilling fluids, well cement, drilling, workover, production, well control, well integrity, formation evaluation and pipeline design. He has various published journal articles, conference papers and book chapters on these topics. He also supervised several graduate theses at different institutions where he worked.

He is also active member of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) and EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers). He also served as advisor and judge in European SPE Paper Contest in 2015. He was also SPE Student chapter advisor at different institutions where he worked.

Last Updated Date : March 3, 2024