

Eng. Arwa Alfarajat

Lab Technologist

  • BSc, Applied and Environmental Geology, University of Jordan, 2009.
  • MSc, Geology, Hydrogeochemistry University of Jordan, 2012.

Arwa is a Ground water investigator and water management specialist, holds a MSc. degree in Geology from University of Jordan in 2012. She received her BSc. degree in Applied and Environmental Geology from University of Jordan in 2009. She has been working as a lab and teaching assistant at university of Jordan. Furthermore, she worked as a Teacher at Ministry of Education/Jordan. She attended a lot of training courses and worked as a member of the water resource research work group in the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany, in 2011. Currently, she is also working as a lab technologist in PET Dept.

Last Updated Date : March 6, 2024